Prices, shipping and delivery information:

Described on the product pages include VAT and other price components.

We ship all over the EU. Please ask for shipping to other countries!

The shipping costs will be offered by mailing to


Payment Methods

We offer the following payment methods. Simply choose the optimal payment method for you. The shipping costs are partly dependent on the selected payment. The reasons given in the respective offer prices represent final prices. They include all price components, including any applicable taxes such as VAT. Only for cross-border deliveries may in individual cases further taxes (eg in case of an intra-Community acquisition) and / or charges (eg customs duties) may be payable by you, but not to the seller, but to its competent customs and tax authorities there. The resulting Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price, they are on the page “shipping” callable, are reported separately during the ordering process and are you in addition to wear.


Even safer and quickly pay with their PayPal account.

Cash in advance

Transfer simply.

Please transfer the total amount of your order to our account:

Account holder: Christian Fischer
account number: 8392821008
BLZ: 701 204 00
credit institution: DAB Bank